Go Beyond Your Highest Efficiency & effectiveness
Power Plant Simulator & Designer

It is a world leading standard calculation program for
– Steam Generators
– Power Plants
– Heat Exchanges

More than 200 companies worldwide using PPSD for this
- Designing of Steam Generators
- Calculating Balance of Plants
- Designing natural and forced Circulations
- Simulating Start ups & cycling of Power Plants
- Desiging of heat exchangers (also with flue gas condensation)
Find out more about PPSD
Our Users
what our clients have to say
“Excellent Program"
BilfingerBoiler Service Engineer 
"Very good Program we are using it for years"
ThermaxProduct Manager 
ShellSteam Gen Designer 
PPSD is more than 25 Years on the market and the results have been proofen as very reliable
You see the Sucess at real Steam generators and Power Plants
There are several thousands steam generators all over the world calculated and designed with PPSD